
Important Announcement: Follow-Up

Original post

My mother passed away peacefully today. She had decided to enter hospice instead of continuing to fight a losing battle. To say cancer is awful is an understatement. She fought as hard as she could for as long as possible.

Right now, it hurts like the dickens. Even though I knew it was coming, it hurts losing her. So much.

I have no ETA on my return.

Thank you for your patience and well wishes,

Important Announcement

Dear Readers,

My goal when Daiyamanga started was writing an article every 3-ish days. In large part thanks to COVID and shipping issues, that led to being more like once a week, and lately, more time is lapsing between posts. Plus, I’ve been more slow about reading and responding to others’ posts.

In recent times, this is in large part due to my mother going through some health issues. And unfortunately, we got some news that is far from ideal. Quite frankly, it stinks. My mother is very much a fighter, and she’s determined not to give up. 100% of my attention is focused on her.

I don’t know what the future has in store. I absolutely don’t plan on closing Daiyamanga or stop reading others’ posts, but right now, I can’t read or write at the pace I would like to. How long this will be, I don’t know. I may want to comment or write occasionally just as part of the new normal, or it may be impossible for a while. They say the future is a blank page, and I’ve never felt more like that’s true than I do right now.

Treasure every day.

Thank you for your understanding,

One Hot Manga

Mitarai-ke, Enjou suru Volume 1

Kodansha Comics announced several new titles yesterday, but I wanted to point out one in particular: Burn the House Down. This is now the official English title of Mitarai-ke, Enjou suru, an unlicensed manga I highlighted back in 2020. Yes, another title on my wish list has been picked up!

Burn the House Down - Anzu See End

You can read the first chapter here. Volume 1 is scheduled for June 28th, so preorder links should go live soon. I’d love to see it get a print release, so check it out if you’re interested in a new mystery manga!

And yes, I couldn’t resist another fire pun with this post’s title.