Versatile Blogger Award (x4)
Oopsie, I’ve let these pile up again. I’ll get to them all… eventually.
Anyway, I want to thank
Oopsie, I’ve let these pile up again. I’ll get to them all… eventually.
Anyway, I want to thank
Official Stalker aka Crimson613 of My Fujoshi Life nominated me for the Spirit Animal Award.
Thank you, Crimson! d(・ω・●)☆スペシャルサンクス☆(●・ω・)b
Kankitsu of Citrus Anime Reviews nominated me for the Three-Day Quote Challenge.
Thank you, Kankitsu! ♪o(⌒O⌒)o♪さんきゅっ
AnimePrince was kind enough to nominate me for a Sunshine Award.
Thank you very much!! ゚・:,。★\(^-^ )♪ありがと♪( ^-^)/★,。・:・゚
Kankitsu of Citrus Anime Reviews nominated me for the Three-Day Quote Challenge.
Thank you, Kankitsu! ♪o(⌒O⌒)o♪さんきゅっ
Kankitsu of Citrus Anime Reviews nominated me for the Three-Day Quote Challenge.
Thank you, Kankitsu! ♪o(⌒O⌒)o♪さんきゅっ
I want to thank Ignite18 of Marveously Mismatched for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award.
Thank you, Ignite! アリ(´・ω・)(´_ _)ガト♪
I want to thank Official Stalker aka Crimson613 of My Fujoshi Life for nominating me for the WakuWafu Award.
Thank you, Official Stalker! (≧∀≦)y{ありがとね☆〕
The Fullmetal Narcissist nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award!
あ( ̄○ ̄)り( ̄◇ ̄)が( ̄△ ̄)と( ̄0 ̄)う( ̄ー ̄)
Masumi Amari of Morning Toast was kind enough to nominate me for a Sunshine Award.
Thank you very much!! ゚・:,。★\(^-^ )♪ありがと♪( ^-^)/★,。・:・゚